The complete blueprint for building and culturing a cubic yard of living soil utilizing cold composting with beneficial living creatures...
...that sets your garden’s essential foundation, grows tons of nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables, and builds biodiversity for a resilient ecosystem.
ENROLL NOWThat Sets Your Garden’s Essential Foundation, Grows Tons Of Nutrient-Dense Fruits And Vegetables, And Builds Biodiversity For A Resilient Ecosystem That You Can Rely On.
(without the overwhelm, hardware hangups, or constant second guessing if you’re doing it right)
… then you probably already know that you need to be composting.
So we’ll spare you the spiel,
No need to be a broken record and convince you of something that’s already been drilled deep into your eco-conscious mind.
After all, you probably already KNOW that fertile soil is the foundation of everything you grow, and it’s the key to better plant growth, nutrient density, and resilience.
You’ve probably also heard that we only have 1% of the exploited topsoil left on that planet — that’s the medium we need to grow food!
Even if you already have a garden growing, a consistent harvest, and a reliable organic compost source, knowing how to build fertile topsoil can:
Growing fertile living topsoil builds a foundation of biodiversity in your garden or farm. And what does biodiversity bring? Resilience. Having a network of creatures working symbiotically with you and with each other allow your plants to become more drought tolerant & have what they need to grow quicker since they have a support team working in their favor 24/7.
Even if you’re happy with your crop yield, once you have fertile living soil for your seeds to grow in your crop will become more nutritious. The nutrient density of your topsoil directly impacts the nutrient density of your harvest (which is exactly why we strategically plant nutrient dense plants specifically for composting purposes!).
A thriving garden is abundant. If you’ve ever had a fruit tree in your backyard, you know that when it’s going off it is WAY more than you and your family could ever happily eat! Sharing your abundance and being a resource for your community can not only form lasting relationships, but it can promote you to authority status.
Building your own soil puts you in complete control of your garden. You’ll no longer have to rely on your hardware or garden store, and the quality of the products they stock their shelves with (did you know that your “organic” fertilizer can be filled with manure from chicken factory farms? And that most city compost programs are thermophillic, which is the chemical reaction type of compost that usually heats up as high as 160°F! It also produces quite a bit of methane and other gases into the atmosphere. When the atmosphere is in balance, that’s not necessarily a bad thing. But it’s not in balance right now. Thermophillic compost gets hot enough to actually kill all the soil microbes in it. Usually in a situation like that they move back in from the cooler parts of the pile eventually, but it’s not uncommon for compost facilities to get compost straight out of the hot pocket, which is inert. That sort of compost really needs to be re-inoculated with life before using in your garden. It is often devoid of the biological activity that you need to grow healthy living soil! With living cold composting techniques, that utilize the symbiosis of many creatures, you will create consistent and reliable living compost that gives you the freedom to seed your garden with insanely productive microbes & never have to buy fertilizer again.
Let’s be honest… the future of humans on earth is very questionable at this point. With climate change, mass extinction, ridiculous amounts of water and pollution overflowing landfills and our oceans… it’s smart to prepare for all potential scenarios! Knowing exactly how to build soil just from the resources in your environment is fundamental knowledge for surviving and thriving in any future scenario.
.....the process involved in actually creating it is anything but.
Maybe in a moment of inspiration you’ve made the commitment to compost all your kitchen scraps.
You looked up all of the zero waste tactics, bought a small compost container for your kitchen, and sketched out an area in your yard for a compost pile.
If you’re prone to geek out 🤓 (like us), maybe you even invested in a few pounds of Red Wrigglers, assuring yourself that you’d have a worm bin setup in the exciting but illusive “next week.”
But even with the best intentions, most would-be carbon farmers end up abandoning the process, allowing their worms to die, soil to dry out, and … oh well, I guess it’s back to the store-bought organic stuff, because “there’s always next season.”
Without a superclear step-by-step implementation plan most would-be soil farmers get completely lost.
They fall victim to green washing (this product says it will triple my yield — that’s way better than I could ever do!).
A lack of clarity over exactly what they need to do to create living soil, which leads to confusion and overwhelm leads to inaction, instead of the core tendencies of consistency, patience, and observation.
As someone with a million things on their plate – your kids after-school schedule, your full-time job, a semblance of a social life – you can’t afford hangups. And the moment you have a garden-fail it’s challenging to recover!
Therefore composting and building soil is one thing that you gotta get right the first time.
And lucky for you there are infinite resources around you to tap into so that you aren’t doing it alone… you’re aligning with Nature!
to build soil, never have to buy fertilizer again, and stop filling the landfill
A lot of people who start to compost and garden try to do it alone… but the truth is that there is a myriad of creatures that you can partner with to get the job done!
Nature shows us time and again that there is efficiency and resilience in biodiversity. So instead of doing it alone, we help all of our students identify the unique species that are present in their local environment that are excited for you to feed them! Not only will your composting process happen faster, but the creatures can work together to increase the nutrient density, make your garden more drought resistant, and so much more.
Stuff that would normally be wasted and go to the landfill, like leaves, grass clippings, weeds… Many people call that “green waste.” We call it green waste because you’re wasting it.
Instead of wasting it by collecting it in those big “green waste” bags, and leaving them on the curb every week… you can utilize it as awesome green material for composting and building soil!
This also applies to your paper scraps. Why send all of your paper towels, scrap paper, cardboard… to the dump when it can be building soil for your garden?
Now a lot of people are confused and think it’s awesome to get all that material back from the landfill as compost — often given to the neighborhoods for free. But what you really need to know – what are they using for their nitrogen source? More times than not, and I would confidently say, in MOST waste management facilities, they’re processing the green waste with porta potty material and excess sewer sludge. They’re claiming that because it reaches high temperatures and sterilizes itself that it can be used to grow organic food. To me this is ridiculous. You’re basically eating sh!t… Not to mention the amount of methane released into our atmosphere through large municipal composting operations, which is contributing to climate change, and has many other ecological impacts.
There are a ton of benefits to making your own compost rather than going to a garden store and buying fertilizer. A major one is that you can turn waste into fertilizer to build living soil.
You can grow incredible veggies utilizing what would normally be waste for you! Like green waste from your yard, leftover scraps from your kitchen, cardboard, paper… Keep it out of the dump – turn it into soil.
Keeping your food scraps and green waste out of the dump can be your contribution to ending global warming and we believe this will help you be a better steward to the planet.
Your plants get more nutrients from the compost you make than fertilizer you buy at the store.
Many fertilizers such as seabird guano, bat guano, fish meal… are less than ethically sourced and produced. At the decimation of our land, forests, and the labor of children.
If we want to think sustainable we need to think about what we’re putting into the ground to grow our food, how it’s going to affect the ground in the future, how nutritious it’s going to be, what we have for resources already present without having to pillage other resources and to constantly look for new inputs.
Nature’s pretty perfect if we can just find the balance.
What’s actually in the fertilizer that you buy at the store?
Bone meal, blood meal…
When you’re talking about bone meal and blood meal we’re talking about animals that have been grown in less-than-ideal conditions and when they process them for the table they use the leftover blood bones and feathers to create what they call organic fertilizers. We do not believe these things should be considered organic, because of what the animals are being fed, because of the antibiotics, and because of the mistreatment of the animals.
Or your using conventional farming which uses petroleum-based products made by large chemical companies, and possibly recycled bomb material from war.
Grow your food with compost, not bombs.
It’s easy if you have the guidance and proven framework to follow.
There’s no way to deny that driving to your local grocery store and buying everything you could possibly want to eat (no matter the location or the season) is super convenient.
But there is something that can be more satisfying! It is having a connection to what you put inside your body, and your families bodies, what the effects on our environment are.
Even if people just took the challenge of growing 5% of their food, it can be simple as growing a few herb plants and a fruit tree if you have any kind of a yard as part of your landscape, and then using the compost you’ve made to feed it!
If you’re in an apartment it could be indoor houseplants and a small contained worm bin where at least you’re diverting your paper waste and food scraps and able to grow a few basil plants to make the occasional pesto.
Just adding a little something that you actually grow to yourself.
It can change your mindset.
Think about how someone else is growing your food. Are they part of the solution or are they part of the pollution?
It’s easy to see composting & gardening as another item on your to-do list. But when 20 other things are also there it’s easy to get overwhelmed and give up, before seeing the true fruits of your labor.
It becomes easier when you adopt the lifestyle. When it becomes fun and not work because you enjoy doing what you love to do. You’ve been adopted by the earth and you’ve adopted the earth.
There’s a fundamental liberation to understand what’s going on around you and to play a part in it.
All farming takes maintenance. I don’t care whether it’s a tiny aquaponic system or its a giant field, a backyard garden or a food forest.
I think the funny part is that the beauty comes out of doing the work and doing the maintenance and learning to take a part in nature. You have to adopt a lifestyle change that allows you to be closer with your surroundings and play more of a part of it.
The beauty comes out of doing the work and learning to take part in nature.
It’s a way for you to become one with your surroundings, start to have a relationship with Nature, and understand what it means to be regenerative on this planet.
Even though access to the resources needed to build a flourishing garden have never seemingly been easier…
… with multiple Big Box stores in just about every town, and online retailers *with free 2-day shipping* accessible in every corner of the globe (even a remote island like Hawaii in the middle of the Pacific).
Our soils have never been more depleted –
– depleted of life, care, nutrients.
All homogenized by the commodification of fertilizers, pesticides, and even compost.
No longer are the indigenous microorganisms that people are adding to their gardens actually indigenous to their area, but instead a mainstream recipe that uses imported grains and a starter culture in a package.
The essential components to a thriving garden can be created, cultured and cultivated with things that are all around you and with material that you’re most-likely throwing away every season (or even every day).
As long as you can avoid the biggest blunders that sink most would-be Soil Farmers, the path is paved for you and building wheel-barrels full of fertile, living topsoil.
Topsoil that is the foundation of your garden, the nutrient source of your crops, and the manifestation of carbon sequestration and the change that needs to be happening in the world.
The key ingredient to all of this is strategic composting.
And with your permission, that’s what we’d LOVE to show you how to create.
The complete blueprint for building and culturing a cubic yard of living soil utilizing cold composting with beneficial living creatures...
that sets your garden’s essential foundation, grows tons of nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables, and builds biodiversity for a resilient ecosystem.
ENROLL NOWWe’ve taken everything we’ve learned from living off-grid on a remote island for over 30 years learning directly from Nature, and then building several regenerative farms (that have grown over 50 tons of food), and channeled it into a comprehensive, step-by-step implementation program that not only teaches you the foundational theories, but the actual EXECUTION of how you can do the same.
HOW TO BUILD A CUBIC YARD OF SOIL is more than just an online training course… it’s an implementation program that will kick you into ACTION!
Yes, you will learn the strategies behind everything you do, but more importantly, you’ll be taking action every step of the way with a cohort of earth stewards who are on the same path of ReGeneration.
The result: An incredibly fertile cubic-yard of soil that works as the FOUNDATION of all your growing projects, constantly working for you to support your garden.
is the only program of its kind that...
While we love books and respect the amount of reading time some experts have invested in for their education and certifications… we’re hands-in-the-dirt 12-hours-a-day people who were educated by Nature first and foremost. You will learn all the theories in How to Build a Cubic Yard of Living Soil, but instead of just procrasti-learning, this course is focused on DOING and actually building the soil and garden that you can be proud of & feel fulfilled by.
We often talk about how gardening is like cooking – you need to learn to taste, smell, feel your garden to gain information beyond your book-learning & into your senses. But by learning to cook, we don’t mean learning to grocery shop for ingredients… Yes, you can build a garden from a bag of compost and fish emulsion and other additives from the garden store. But the key ingredients for an incredibly biodiverse, resilient garden are harvested and cultivated from the Nature that is around you, in your unique corner of the earth.
To build a successful regenerative long-term garden or farm, you have to change. Committing to consistently & patiently observing and working with Nature, you will change. You will have to give up some convenience. But in return you will be unlocking an unfathomable amount of fulfillment. You will realize that you are not alone in this life… there’s a matrix of creatures, elements, and energies that you can tap into for support in your regenerative lifestyle.
This is where you’ll interact with like-minded soil builders, trade feedback, receive daily tips from your teachers, and receive virtual encouragement and inspiration every step of the way.
Every month, you’ll get all of your soil building questions answered by Living Earth Systems’ Lead Designer Eddy Garcia for clarity and troubleshooting.
This graduation bonus ebook will show you a COMPLETE step-by-step action plan for starting a thriving garden without the overwhelm. This will show you exactly what to do with the cubic-yard of soil that you create!
In this PDF guide you’ll learn the exact nutrient-dense plants we grow in our gardens and farms specifically to compost and build supercharged soil.
because we're super excited to welcome you into How to Build a Cubic Yard of Living Soil and start you on your regenerative lifestyle
per month for 3 months
✔ Access to How to Build a Cubic Yard of Living Soil Private Facebook Group
✔ Monthly Q&A and Strategy Calls
✔ The Garden Master Plan
✔ The Specific Plants to Grow to Add Nutrients to Soil
✔ Access to How to Build a Cubic Yard of Living Soil Private Facebook Group
✔ Monthly Q&A and Strategy Calls
✔ The Garden Master Plan
✔ The Specific Plants to Grow to Add Nutrients to Soil
Before Joining How to Build a Cubic Yard of Living Soil...
The most common myth about gardening is that some people possess this magical "green thumb."
It's not true. You do not need to have a thumb to garden! In fact, there are many creatures besides ourselves that do some gardening that don’t even have thumbs... but we’ll fill you in on that later.
The fact is: Growing food relies on you and your commitment…
… to observe,
… to be patient,
… to be consistent in your interaction,
You also have to be willing to “fail” because:
So, you thought the other guy had a green thumb and he pulled it off on the first try. You tried and it died again and again and again.
But eventually you’re going to learn from your mistakes. You’ll understand that if you’re consistent, you’re patient, and you observe what is really going on... if you look beyond the surface, and try to notice the things you usually don't pay attention to…
This metaphor transfers into your life on so many different levels.
I cannot explain to you the idea of being one with your surroundings and it’s simply paying attention, observing what’s going on, being patient enough to see the results of it.
So the idea that one person would have a "green thumb" and another would not is a myth. Because it’s really about you. It’s about committing to growing food. It’s about observing and really paying attention.
Everybody has something they are good at. For some people it's video games, for some it's driving a truck, or singing. But that doesn’t mean that a person who drives a truck can’t sing or that the person who sings can’t drive a truck. You can teach an old dog new tricks and a new dog old tricks – we don’t have to bind ourselves to restrictive ways of thinking.
Don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty. Just do it!
Reality is – we can all do it if we follow some of these simple rules. And the main thing above all is just commit yourself to it and take the time.
I can give you so many countless examples of people who thought they didn’t have a green thumb and as soon as they planted one seed and were patient enough to water it (or not water it), by observing whether it was too wet or too dry, not being afraid to have that seed die and try it again… They eventually realize that it’s not rocket science.
Caveman did it. They moved from the idea that they couldn’t and they started to understand alchemy on the planet by taking time and committing themselves.
A relationship with a plant isn’t that much different than having a relationship with a pet or a friend. Growing a plant is just like maintaining any other relationship. If you don’t feed your pet for a few days or a few weeks it’s going to die. We have to establish relationships with the earth and our garden.
If we start to look at the nature around us as full of life and that we’re sharing this planet and we’re supposed to be interacting not displacing, then there’s a lot of beauty around us. Just like when we surround ourselves with friends or family or people that we can make deep connections with.
To raise a healthy child we need to listen, to be patient, to let them go through their mistakes. We need to be consistent in our lessons to them.
To raise a healthy plant you really have to pay attention to what’s going on. You have to nurture it, you have to be patient with it, and you have to be consistent with it. So these metaphors transfer through our lives in many different ways.
How we treat each other, how we treat the planet, how we treat the plants, and how they treat us, seems to have this incredible circular motion that everything is beautiful.
The course will be delivered on an online course platform, so you can learn from any location in the world whenever is convenient for you!
There is a private Facebook group, where you can ask questions 24/7, get answers, and make connections
Honestly, it depends on your schedule. How to Build a Cubic Yard of Living Soil will run live as a #-week course where new lessons will be released each week and there will be bi-weekly Q&A sessions. Once you enroll, you’ll have instant to the Welcome module and Facebook group where you can settle in to the program and get to know your fellow students.
If you want to stay on-pace with the course we recommend 1-2 hours per week to digest the material, attend the Q&A session, and do that homework assignments.
If you don’t have time right now to commit 1-2 hours per week – that’s okay! You can absolutely move at your own pace. And since you have lifetime access to the material, you can take as much time as you want on each lesson, and revisit the material over and over again.
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own.
No, you can start composting strategically with spending little to no money.
We’ve started large-scale composting systems with little more than using a deteriorating book case for structural support and an order of composting worms.
A benefit of spending $50 on some materials on the front end will get your worm populations up quicker, but that will absolutely be your choice.
Ultimately, your patience and aesthetics will determine how much you want to spend on your initial composting system.
So, think about it. An old bookshelf, food scraps, your junk mail and old newspapers, leaf litter matter from under a tree, and $20 in composting worms. You can get started with as little as this. The rest is your time, consistency, and patience.
Yes! We’ve started regenerative farms from worse than nothing (severely abused soil), and have coached people on how they can get started building soil with little more than the desire.
We will take you from nothing to building soil in just a few weeks. We’ve built gardens and composting systems from scratch all over the world, and you know what? It all starts with the same thing. Building soil.
Whether you live in an apartment building, your parents basement, or own a few acres, there is a protocol that is universal for composting your food scraps and paper material, and ultimately building healthy living soil.
We assume no prior experience – we take you by the hand from the first step and guide you all the way.
When you join Supercharged Soil, the Living Earth Systems team becomes your team. We are here to help you with the tech stuff, guide you through the hard stuff, and walk you through any challenges that come up. We’ve built SYSTEMS in place to support you:
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first week and we will give you a full refund.
How to Build a Cubic Yard of Living Soil is perfect for you if...
and want to make sure you absolutely NAIL IT right out of the gates by using only the most powerful, easy-to-follow, aligned with Nature soil building strategies.
but haven’t had the results you were hoping for… your compost pile is dry, or full of pests, or you just haven’t stayed consistent!
You’re now ready to learn some advanced techniques so that you can boost the nutrient density of the compost you make. PLUS you’re excited to turn your compost into SOIL!
and you’re ready to transition out of being dependant on the home & garden store (I mean… wasn’t gardening supposed to SAVE you money??) and instead culture all the fertility and nutrients your garden needs from your local area.
as long as you know that every bit of energy you invest is a strategic and meaningful step forward in creating a strategic composting system and building epically fertile soil.
In fact, you're already investing time and energy doing things like recycling, bringing your own mug, asking for no straws, raking up your yard waste, and other things you feel you need to do to be a good citizen of this planet.
and welcome the idea that we can be the change we want to see in the world while being your silly, goofy, and sometimes wild self.
The path only exists when you take the first step.
per month for 3 months
✔ Access to How to Build a Cubic Yard of Living Soil Private Facebook Group
✔ Monthly Q&A and Strategy Calls
✔ The Garden Master Plan
✔ The Specific Plants to Grow to Add Nutrients to Soil
✔ Access to How to Build a Cubic Yard of Living Soil Private Facebook Group
✔ Monthly Q&A and Strategy Calls
✔ The Garden Master Plan
✔ The Specific Plants to Grow to Add Nutrients to Soil
50% Complete
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